Hey! They've got a new album coming out! (And by new I mean their first, because apparently an oversized EP does not an album make) They claim it drops in April. We'll see. But their first single "Noskeemos" is up on Myspace (it's not really my space). You should listen and prove to your loved ones that you are, contrary to appearances, good deep down inside.
I've been given (*ahem*) advance listening privileges for this album. And you know what? I love it. It's a real leap from their previous effort, the aforementioned The Bird's Run EP, which can be found here, totally for free: http://freecalloohcallay.com/music.html
The Bird's Run was by no means a shoddy effort. There's some great stuff on there, and they really packed in the instrumentation. Listen to, oh, pretty much any track and you'll hear mandolin, guitar, drums, bass, glockenspiel, melodica...
It's a folk album. It feels very pastoral, which is fine (yes. I know my use of that word to define this EP is an offense against the actual definition of the word "pastoral."), evoking a quasi-Wordsworthian feel. You know, nature, hanging out in nature, losing the light, can't see what I used to. That sort of thing. Look up Ode: Intimation of Immortality if you need any further description. And all this is fine, and fun, and it's good. It's definitely good.
Did you listen to "Noskeemos?" Did it sound pastoral? Or did it sound like Radiohead got lost somewhere in the bayou and hooked up with an imagistic Modernist puzzled by the inability of humans to effectively communicate with each other? Really? I thought so, too! Man, it's awesome when we synch up like that.
Trust me, ladies and gentlemen, it just gets better from there. Dare I say... Southern Gothic? In Faulkner-Tennessee Williams- Flannery O'Connor kinda way? I dare!
Did I mention that they pulled out the electrics and decided to rock?
It's all in here. A dirty blues song, a post-rock intro, the most fun you've had with "Come Thou Fount" since church. Seriously. This is the real deal. Callooh! Callay! has figured out who they are. And it sounds great.
(Who are they, you ask? Why, I think they're three people dedicated to an immersive sonic experience and a deep seated interest in the complexities of the human condition. Also, if you go to a show you can dance to their music).
So yeah. The album is Sassprilluh Champagne. April. Be there.
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