"1234" is the symbol of all that I should loathe: A hit after being placed in an iPod commercial it is the ultimate example of indie (whatever that is)=aesthetic=sales, or, SALES!!! Much as I love my iPod, and much as I loved 500 Days of Summer, it is definetiley pitched towards a certain demographic (what my roommate once referred to as the Being John Malkovich demographic, or, perhaps, in this day and age, the Where the Wild Things Are/Arcade Fire demographic (yes, I'm pointing out all you people who sang along to "Wake Up" in the movie theater, Josh Sawyer) ). As if "indie" was a lifestyle choice, to be bottled and sold (instead of a loose non-definition for more or less not top 40 music). And not sold by the artist either, but sold in an "Animal Collective advertising washing machines" kind of way (hey, those summertime clothes are going to get dirty). (Or, "Are you also frightened? JOIN THE MARINES).
But, darn it, I love that song. I feel so cheerful listening to it.
Is it normal to feel this dirty?
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